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Local Services: The Oriental Museum

We visited The Oriental Museum in County Durham

Katherine and Pippa visited The Oriental Museum last month and reported back. 

MAIN were invited to come visit Durham University’s Oriental Museum where they were shown around by Charlotte Spink and Ailsa Douglas. This museum has free entry and is very accessible, there is a lift, small gift shop and coffee shop. The reception are super friendly and the whole place is set up for interaction. The museum is also very child friendly with some very tactile exhibits including the ribbon tree that you can sit under for some sensory time or add a ribbon to it for yourself. There are lots of seating available on all four levels and each level has space dedicated to encouraging children to learn more about these cultures with lots of activities in each area.

The museum exhibits items from Ancient Egypt to modern China and has dedicated it’s space to the archaeology and the art from Northern Africa and Asia.

If you are planning a visit there are accessibility guides here 

  • Sensory Map
  • Gallery Layout
  • Accessibility guide

For more information please visit their website