MAIN’s New Year Resolutions Guide
MAIN’s New Year Self care Resolutions Guide
New Year self-care resolutions
New years can be a great time to think about what you want to do in the next year. However, it can be overwhelming when there is so much focus on what you should be achieving. Sometimes the best new years resolutions are based around looking after ourselves and feeling our best.
Here are some ideas for a new years resolution to focus on feeling your best, instead of achievements:
· Learn to be kind to yourself when you have to take a break.
· Take some time each day to go outside and get fresh air.
· Practice asking for help when you need it.
· Make sure to bring a comfort item with you everywhere, that you can use when you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
· Spend time every week on a special interest or something that brings you joy
· Start writing a journal of positive things that you have done, however small, so you can look back and be proud of yourself.
· Practice mindful strategies when you are feeling stressed.
· Plan some time to rest each day, whatever that means to you.
We had our older groups try out this activity and we got some brilliant self-care resolutions
Aged 36 ‘ Try new foods (e.g. Ramen), be more active and save up for a staycation’
Aged 25 ‘ Be more healthy’
Aged 14 ‘Be more active and be more good mentally’
Aged 19- ‘Pass my Level 3 in Animal Management
Aged 21- ‘Be able to graduate from University. Keep up my collecting. Walk to family whenever possible as much as possible. Try not to panic when forced with uncontrollable situations’.
Aged 18 – ‘I would like to either make progress on or completely finish : Improving my Maths and English significantly, Expanding my palette and trying new foods and finishing Minecraft FNAF world.’
Aged 15 ‘ Going to college and making music’