Tag Archive for: Money

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Safeguarding Week- Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries

It’s important to have healthy boundaries to make sure that others don’t take advantage of us, and we don’t neglect ourselves by doing too much for other people.


Think about what you need and want

Try to identify what you need from your friendships and relationships, how much alone time do you need? How do you prefer to spend time with people?


Think about if people would treat you like you treat them

Not all of the people in your life have to be someone you would do everything for. If someone wouldn’t dogsit for you, don’t feel like you have to babysit for them.


Don’t feel like you have to share everything

You don’t have to tell people things if you don’t feel comfortable. If someone asks you a personal question that you don’t want to answer, you can say “I don’t want to answer that.” Or change the subject.


Practice saying no to requests

Practice makes perfect. Practice in front of the mirror. “no I’m sorry, I can’t do that, I’m busy.” It doesn’t make you less friends with someone if you can’t do everything they ask.


Try to build your self-esteem

Doing things that make you feel good, such as exercise, learning new things, eating well, and getting enough sleep, will help you to feel better about yourself, and can help you improve your self esteem.


Get quality alone time

Try and spend quality time with yourself, doing something that you enjoy and makes you feel good about yourself will help you to appreciate yourself and stop seeing your value in what you do for other people.



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Safeguarding Week- Lending Money

Lending Money

Often friends and family might ask if they can borrow some money from you, and this can put you in a difficult position. Here are some things to think about before giving money to other people.

Talk to a trusted adult

If anyone asks to lend money from you always discuss with a trusted adult. This could be your parent, carer, teacher, work colleague or partner.

Can I afford to lose that amount of money?

Sometimes, people borrow money and don’t pay it back. This can be very disappointing, and can make life very difficult, especially if you lent someone a large amount. If you don’t think that you could get by without the amount of money that someone is asking for, you shouldn’t lend them the money.

Would I be upset if I wasn’t paid back?

If you would be upset that you didn’t get the money back, don’t lend someone money, especially if you have lent them money before that they haven’t repaid, as this can be a sign that they are unlikely to pay you back.

Could I help this person in another way?

There are many ways you could help a friend for free, such as assisting them with tasks around the house, making them food, or even just being there to listen if they need to talk.

How do I build boundaries?

It’s important to build up boundaries with people in our lives so that they don’t take advantage of us or make us feel uncomfortable. It’s okay to say no to things. It could also be helpful to practice saying no to small things so that it’s easier to say no to bigger things.