Tag Archive for: Peer Support

photo of the event's information board

Open Day at ARCH Recovery College

MAIN attended ARCH Recovery’s Open Day

ARCH Recovery College opened their doors to professionals this morning and we attended to find out more about their services.

ARCH Recovery offer courses based on recovery principles and are co-produced by people with lived experience of mental health-related issues. This is open to any resident of County Durham and no diagnosis is needed. You can get in touch by calling 0191 4510890 or email TEWV.recoverycollege@nhs.net 

Courses are group discussions on student’s recovery journey’s and cover Mindfulness for Stress, Recovery- The New Me, Walking for Wellbeing and more.

ARCH Recovery Online is available to anyone in the world and is free. They have a large platform of e-learning courses which include strategies towards wellbeing www.recoverycollegeonline.co.uk/