thumbnail for reggae night on 30th November 2024

Fundraising Night: Reggae Night 30th November 2024

Jovial Monk are hosting a Reggae Night to help raise money for MAIN

Jovial Monk has nominated MAIN as their charity of the year and are holding a new event for everyone to join in. Please come down to the Jovial Monk on 30th November for a Reggae Night to help support MAIN.

@ Jovial Monk , Kings Road, North Ormesby, TS3 6NQ


image says World Alzheimer's month thank you and has three smiling people

World Alzheimer’s Month 

World Alzheimer’s Month

World Alzheimer’s Month takes place every September and is a global opportunity to raise awareness of dementia and to support people affected by it.
Research shows there are more than 944,000 people in the UK who have dementia. 1 in 11 people over the age of 65 have dementia in the UK.
This year MAIN have focused on becoming dementia friends with staff working towards being more aware of dementia and creating actions to carry through in both their work and everyday life.
‘Make a greater effort to contact elderly relatives’
‘Supporting a friend with dementia to apply for pension credits’
‘I am the service Manager for both Teesside and Durham offices. I will be offering staff Dementia Awareness Training ‘
‘Raising awareness by posting on social media’

 You can become a dementia friend too 

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Stockton CAMHS & Crisis Team

Stockton CAMHS & Crisis Team

Who are the child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) crisis and liaison team?

The crisis and liaison team provide mental health support to young people (up to the age of 18) who are experiencing a crisis with their mental health.

What can the crisis team do for me?

The team respond to the immediate mental health needs of young people, offering short term help, either at home or in the community, and will stay involved until there is a resolution of the immediate crisis.

Who can call us?

Anyone who is concerned about a young person experiencing a mental health crisis can contact the service. You can request a referral from your GP.

When to call us?

  • If a young person is suicidal or has self-harmed.
  • If a young person is experiencing extreme emotional distress that won’t stop.
  • If a young person is experiencing sudden or severe anxiety which is preventing them getting on with their normal life.
  • If a young person is in extreme emotional distress and would like to speak to someone.
  • If anyone needs urgent advice about a young person’s mental health.

What we can and can’t do

We can:

  • Complete urgent mental health and risk assessments.
  • Offer advice and support about how to cope in a crisis.
  • Help the young person and carers make plans to keep a young person safe.
  • Develop plans to offer ongoing support as and when required.

We cannot:

  • Provide medication.
  • Physically restrain a young person.
  • Provide accommodation.

Crisis Team Number 08000516171 24 hours a day seven days a week

 Find more information here 

Middlesbrough council logo

SEND Parent/Carer Survey- Middlesbrough

Reminder to complete the SEND Parent/Carer Survey

Please remember to complete Middlesbrough’s SEND Parent/Carer survey

This is a great opportunity to give Parent/Carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities in Middlesbrough, a chance to give some feedback and have a voice.

Inclusion and Specialist Support Services- Middlesbrough


Click here to complete

thumbnail inclusion week 2024

Inclusion Week 2024

It’s National Inclusion week and this years theme is ‘impact matters’ which is looking to ‘reignite and energise the positive impact of inclusion’

National inclusion week was established in 2011 by Inclusive employers looking to build inclusive workplaces.
The Buckland Review of Autism employment was released earlier this year and found that just 3 in 10 autistic adults are in employment compared to just 5 in 10 for all disabled people and 8 in 10 for non-disabled people.
Our team in Durham can offer support around reasonable adjustments for the workplace and can aid communication with employers to work to make workplaces, education settings and volunteering placements more inclusive for autistic individuals.
We can also refer and signpost to Hiyed, Durham works and Durham enable who support people who are looking to get into work, we are working on building closer working relationships to enable us to better support our clients who are in work or looking to get into work, whether by applying for jobs, furthering education or volunteering.


Please email us  or call 0191 3008556 for more information

thumbnail saying local veteran support

MAIN attended a Veteran Open Day

Pippa and Katherine, our Durham coordinators attended the Veterans Open Day that was held at Op Courage in Washington.
We spoke with Northumbria police about the Digital Information Bank – this is a resource for anyone that has a vulnerable relative with Dementia and Alzheimer’s, where they can record information about them in case they go missing.
There is also the Forcer Protocol recently set up that aims to reduce the risk or harm to service veterans, reservists and those currently serving in the forces if they go missing as this will enable the swift access to key information.
We also spoke with Walking with the Wounded who will work with anyone that has served in the forces, Op Courage works very closely with Combat Stress, there is a full assessment that takes place and when trauma is experienced will depend on what part of the service the person will be signposted.
Liaised with East Durham Veterans Trust who are keen to refer anyone that comes through their service that lives in Durham and has a diagnosis, as they are experiencing those who are struggling with late diagnosis.
photo of the event's information board

Open Day at ARCH Recovery College

MAIN attended ARCH Recovery’s Open Day

ARCH Recovery College opened their doors to professionals this morning and we attended to find out more about their services.

ARCH Recovery offer courses based on recovery principles and are co-produced by people with lived experience of mental health-related issues. This is open to any resident of County Durham and no diagnosis is needed. You can get in touch by calling 0191 4510890 or email 

Courses are group discussions on student’s recovery journey’s and cover Mindfulness for Stress, Recovery- The New Me, Walking for Wellbeing and more.

ARCH Recovery Online is available to anyone in the world and is free. They have a large platform of e-learning courses which include strategies towards wellbeing

Thumb nail saying drag night

Fundraising Night: Drag Night 28th September 2024

Jovial Monk hosted a Drag Night to help raise money for MAIN

Jovial Monk has nominated MAIN as their charity of the year and held a new event for everyone to join in. Jovial Monk put on a drag night on 28th September and raised a total of £693.62 !!

Thank you so much for supporting our charity


Image with green heart in caring hand saying here to help

Mental Health Workshops

Here to Help: Emotional Recognition & Management Sessions

MAIN are working in collaboration with St John of God to offer workshops to promote understanding of self and learning strategies.

MAIN will be delivering some sessions in October 

Monday 7th October 11am-1pm : Understanding Sadness

Friday 18th October 1am-12pm: Promoting Joy

Monday 21st October 10am-12pm: Understanding Anger

Drop in Sessions 

Friday 4th October 12:30pm-2:30pm: Understanding Yourself

Friday 11th October 12pm-2pm: Accessing Mental Health Support

Monday 14th October 12pm-2pm: Promoting Joy

Monday 30th October 10am-12pm: Increasing Hope (Online via Microsoft Teams)

All sessions are suitable for anyone aged 14+ years.

Location: MAIN, The Finlay Cooper Centre, Elizabeth Terrace, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough, TS3 6EN

You can access more information, resources and support here

Please contact us if you would like more information and to book on

Mental health awareness day thumbnail

Mental Health Awareness Day-10th October 2024

Join MAIN for our Mental Health Walk

staff walking out of a carpark in the wet weather

Update 11.10.24 – MAIN’s staff went on a shorter walk around North Ormesby due to the bad weather

We would love to see parents/carers join us for our Mental Health lunch walk for Mental Health Awareness Day.  We will be leaving at 11:30am, TS3 6EN, to Albert Park and back. Let’s get walking and chatting!

Refreshments on return.